My Story

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Hi there! My name is Kate, and I’m the founder of LOKATE. Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!

So, what exactly is LOKATE?


LOKATE is an actionable resource portal for travel enthusiasts that will help you design your life abroad. A life, that you won’t need a vacation from.


Through this blog, and the LOKATE Travel podcast, you will be able to uncover strategies and resources you need to build a life abroad that makes sense for you. Whether that means fully moving to another country, or just finding new and exciting ways it inject more travel experiences into your life - there are options for everyone! No matter your life, working or financial situation. LOKATE’s mission is to be more than just your average travel blog. I want to show you how to do it and what you need to get you where you want to be internationally.


With LOKATE, you can expect: 

Inspirational and Actionable Content

I’ll be writing and curating detailed resources to help action your “travel intentions” and turn them into travel realities. From programs, to organizations, and other resources - you’ll be able to learn about different opportunities that can help you build your life abroad. Whether those are the top study abroad programs, unique work exchanges, or visa programs for countries all over the world - we’ll be researching it and reporting back!

Sharing the Stories and Experiences of Others

LOKATE will also include interviews of special guests who are living unique and international lives. We’ll be diving deep into conversations to gain an understanding of just how they made it happen and how you can too! From budgeting, to legal considerations and planning, we’ll work to uncover all of the answers.

Personal Travel Adventures

As an avid traveler myself, I’ll be sharing my own travel adventures and recommendations for all kinds of cities around the world. It will help to give you a taste for places you have maybe have yet to visit, and hopefully help inspire you to travel there yourself one day! 

Podcast Episodes

In addition to written content, we’ll also be podcasting to share in-person interviews and create a different form of content that you can digest on the go! Episodes will include content ranging from travel advice, to inspirational chats, and general knowledge on how to build your life abroad. Stay tuned for the launch of our podcast and get ready to hit that subscribe button!

A LOKATE Travel Store

Eventually LOKATE will also have a store where you will be able to buy travel inspired products for your “Home” and “Away” needs. While at Home, these items will act as a daily reminder of your time abroad, and inspire you to take your next adventure. Then the Away collection will feature the best in class travel accessories to help you travel better.


Last, but certainly not least, as LOKATE grows, so will our community.  Join our  Facebook group and connect with people from all around the world. This group will allow everyone to share information, experiences, and recommendations no matter where you might be planning on going - and hey, maybe you’ll even make a few friends along the way!


What LOKATE isn’t: Just another travel blog

This blog is for you and most importantly will be filled with actionable content. This means helpful insights, recommendations and resources you can actually use to get started and build the global life you’ve only been daydreaming about up until now.

The goal of this blog, and community will to act as the source for key travel tips, advice, resources and stories to help you make the most of your global journeys. It’s about planning and then actually living the life you’ve always wanted.


What I hope to accomplish with LOKATE:

I want to inspire the next generation of travellers, especially young solo female travellers. Those who want to live, work and/or study abroad. Maybe you’re finishing high school or University and you have no idea what you want to do next. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of far away places, but have no idea where to start, or how to make your dreams possible. Well, you’ve come to the right place, subscribe to our email list and follow us on Instagram. Let us help you!

Why now?

This passion project has been an idea in my head for the last 2 years. I’m an avid traveller, where I’ve been fortunate enough to have lived, studied and worked abroad three times. I’m also in an exciting life transition. I’ve just moved back to my favourite place in the entire world, one that fills my heart with complete joy: Barcelona, Spain! (You can read about how I made this happen here)

I’m a big believer in life being too short to stay in one place. After all, and as my Mom likes to say, “if we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots instead of feet”.


If I can recommend one thing for your life, explore the world! Get out there, experience new things, learn languages, soak up as much culture as you can. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Believe you can do hard (and even scary) things. My experiences abroad have been some of the most impactful and important in my entire life. I want to help and encourage others to take that leap of faith and live outside of their normal day-to-day. With LOKATE, I want to show you exactly how to do it. 

If I can help to change just one person’s life with travel, then I’ve paid it forward. Stay tuned. Lots to come! I hope you will join me on this crazy adventure we call life.

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